Stress Relief 15ml
Stress Relief 15ml
Stress relief blend contains oils that alleviates stress, and its symptoms including low energy, fatigue, head and neck discomforts, upset stomach, restlessness, and tense muscles.
Contents: Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Orange, Hint of Vanilla
Usage: Via inhalation: mix 4-8 drops in a diffuser, or mix 1.5 ml in a 30-ml distilled water and spray using an atomizer bottle, or breathe the pure oil straight from the bottle. Via baths: mix 8-10 drops in a bath tub, or mix 5 ml in a 100 ml bubble bath, shampoo, or conditioner. As a massage: mix 3-5 drops in a teaspoon or 15 ml carrier oil, cream, or lotion, then apply to your desired treatment.
Warning: Discontinue use if you have allergic reactions. Packed in 15 ml amber dropper bottle. Stop usage if allergic reaction occurs.