Deodorant Formula 240ml


Deodorant Formula Cream helps to remove odorous or stinky feet caused by sweating or other microbes. It makes the skin smooth, refreshed and fragrant.

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Deodorant Formula Cream helps to remove odorous or stinky feet caused by sweating or other microbes. It makes the skin smooth, refreshed and fragrant.

Active Ingredients: Lemon, Lime, Clove, Oregano, Lemongrass

Usage: Pump a modest amount of foot cream on your palm.  Apply the cream and massage softly on your feet. While applying the cream on the ball and heel areas, massage along the Achilles especially on the pressure points to attain a better blood circulation. Let the cream dry prior to wearing your socks and shoes to prevent unpleasant wet feeling of your feet. Do not walk barefoot when your feet are cream wet.

Warning: For external use only. Discontinue if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. 240ml

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