Foot & Shoe Spray 240ml


Foot & Shoe Spray is actually a foot and shoe deodorant which leaves your feet and shoes smelling clean, soft and odor-free. It removes stinky smells and soothes tired smelly feet.

Foot & Shoe Spray is actually a foot and shoe deodorant which leaves your feet and shoes smelling clean, soft and odor-free. It removes stinky smells and soothes tired smelly feet.

Active Ingredients: Orange, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Tea Tree

Usage: Wash or clean feet, and clear shoes of any debris. Spray enough amount on feet and shoes. Make sure the spray dries up before you wear your foot socks and shoes. Use foot and shoe as a daily habit for healthier feet.

Warning: For external use only. Discontinue if you are allergic to any of the product
ingredients. 240 ml

Weight 0.240 kg
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