Lavender 120ml


Lavender is one of the favorite versatile oils by many of pet lovers. Thanks to its gentle, anti-itch, and rapid healing property. It can also act as a calmative which can relax and provide a restful sleep to your pets.

Lavender is one of the favorite versatile oils by many of pet lovers. Thanks to its gentle, anti-itch, and rapid healing property. It can also act as a calmative which can relax and provide a restful sleep to your pets.

Contents: Lavender in a base of diluent oil and distilled water.

Usage: For Dogs: Spray moderate amount on your dog’s body. You can spray along the dorsum, belly, posterior part, and on feet. Be sure NOT to spray on eyes or mucous membranes as they can be irritated. You can also spray on their rooms, clothings, beddings, or places where they habitually stay.
For Cats: Cats normally do not want to be sprayed on as they run away. So best, you can spray on their rooms, clothings, beddings, cat trees, or places where they habitually stay.

Discontinue use if you observe that your pets are experiencing rash or hypersensitivity reactions or extreme discomfort.

Packed in 120 ml spray bottle

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